Headache is a common pain complaint that can be produced by many sources and causes. Too often we mask the pain by taking medication without proper examination. Fortunately headache rarely is a sign of serious medical condition. Nevertheless, headache may be caused by serious pathology and therefore the source of any headache needs to be investigated. Very often a headache is caused by treatable neck problem!!!
The North American Cervicogenic Headache Society defines the cervical headache as:
- a pain felt in any region of the head
- caused by a primary irritation of the musculoskeletal tissues of the neck.
It refers to a fact that the primary source of the headache may be located in neck tissues including:
- ligaments
- joints
- cervical nerves and muscles.
This headache is often associated with:
- tight muscles,
- stiffness and pressure
- restricted neck movements and poor posture.
The tissue and movement changes may result from:
- joint trauma,
- chronic strain,
- degenerative joint and disc disease, or inflammatory joint disease.
Frequently the people suffering from cervical headache have experienced cervical trauma, mostly of whiplash type, without any immediate symptoms but resulting in a chronic headache even years after the accident / incident.
Veli Sipila, PT, OMT, FAAOMPT your neck and back specialist can stop your suffering now!! Special combination of treatments includes joint and tissue mobilization, muscle stretching, massage, posture improvement, specific exercise, therapeutic laser, and electrical stimulation. All this is provided one-on-one with over 25 years of clinical experience at OrthoSport Physical Therapy Center in Canton.